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Save Me Time

Below you can browse our listings to save you time such as home help, babysitters and au pairs, and nannies. Maybe you have just relocated to the Cote D'Azur and need French Administration support to help you get your Carte Vitale, Carte de Sejour, or set up as an Auto Entrepreneur? Just click the 'Hand-Holders' tab to find an expert administrator to guide you through the process. Get support from our listed associations. We have also included a section for charities and giving so if you have some items to donate or free time to spare, there are plenty of good causes who would be happy to hear from you.

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LBS Tracey Lionetto

LBS - your Paper Specialists In France

Expert Relocation & French Administration support  in all things moving, living & business in France:

- Property Search & Utilities

- School applications

- Business creation & management

- Healthcare & Carte Vitale

Contact: Tracey Lionetti
Tel: 06 59 04 01 51
Facebook: /LBSinFrance
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