Lessons For Kids on France 4

Lessons For Kids on France 4

From Monday 23rd March 2020 France 4 has been diffusing lessons on their channel to accompany children stuck at home during the pandemic.


Here is the daily schedule:

  • 09.00-10.00 La Maison Lumni, Primary
  • For CP et CE1 : 30 mins reading / 30 mins maths
  • 10.00-11.30 Okoo
  • learninfg for 3-6 year olds (reading with Yétili, English with 3learn with Timmy, Petit Malabar, the astronomer & Géo Jet to travel round the world)
  • 13h00-14.00 Okoo
  • For 8-12 year olds, with the series “Les Grandes Grandes Vacances” (The very long summer vacation) the 2nd world war, followed by the famous sciene program “C’est toujours pas sorcier.”
  • 14.00-15.00 La Maison Lumni, for children in Collège.
  • For “collégiens” : 30 mins of French/ 30 mins of maths
  • 15.00-15.45 La Maison Lumni, Lycée
  • For “lycéens”  : 1 hour of French, maths, histoy-geography English or Philosophy
  • 15.45-16.30 La Maison Lumni, for 8-12 year olds
  • Tuesday Evenings, on prime time, for collégiens et lycéens : Introduction to the subject, a new box of historic documents.

So how can you tune in? Here is the link to watch live and if you’ve missed them the replays too!


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