Vallauris Golfe-Juan – Carnaval Darnega

Family Fun For Everyone!!

It's carnival time in Golfe-Juan Vallauris!!

Carneval Darnega

"Darnega est tombé sur la tête"

Bring your families on Sunday the 11th February 2018 and join the parade and see the musicians play.

Don't forget you disguise and some confetti

Free entrance and free performances.

Here is the official programme 2018

Sunday 11th February 2018: The Carnival Procession

Golfe- Juan

10:30am: The Carnival Procession begins in the Town centre departing from The Square Nabonnand.


3pm: The Carnival Procession begins in the Town centre departing from Espace Grandjean

4:30pm: Dance demonstrations and the buring of an effigy named "Le Roi Darnéga" at the Espace Grandjean

There will be 8 floats built and decorated by the associations of the commune and the participation of certain musical groups.

With the support and participation of the town of Vallauris Golfe-Juan, The tourist office, Le service jeunesse and Le service animations culturelles.

The participating associations include: Le Comité Darnega, La Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture, Le damier , Valgothon, Vivalgo, Les amis de Vallauris Golfe Juan, Le Comité de la Sainte Anne, Le Comité de la Saint- Sauveur, La Commune libre de Notre Dame, Intergénérations santé, AFC Adrafom

The participating musical associaltions include: La lyre d'argile de Vallauris Golfe Juan, Le jazz band du Cannet, L'écho de la chaumière de Nice, MB musique de Valbonne, La penne " qu'es a queu " de Mallemort.

Carnaval des enfants des centres aérés

On Wednesday the 14th of February there will be an additional children's carnival for children from the activity centres at 2:30pm /4:30pm

For more information contact the Tourist office on tel: 04 93 63 18 38

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