7 Reasons To Teach Your Child To Swim
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7 Reasons to Teach Your Child to Swim
By Violetta Bagri
Young or old, learning to swim is a skill that can be very beneficial for humans. Discover the benefits of teaching children how to swim and how it can help them develop physically and mentally.
1. Safety First
Children are naturally attracted to water and should therefore be made aware from an early age of the pleasures and the dangers of water in order to teach them caution.
2. Strengthen Their Immune Systems
Swimming improves a child's health by exerting an effort on their muscles and cardiovascular system. The overall tone of the body increases, as does endurance, movements are improved, and the nervous system is strengthened. Sleeping patterns and appetite also improve. Regular exercise promotes the growth and strengthening of bone tissue: swim regularly and you’ll be sick less often.
3. Muscular Development
Swimming for a child under 7 years old promotes significant muscle development because most skeletal muscles are active. The load on individual muscle groups is evenly distributed and conditions conducive to their proper functioning are created. If the muscles are strong, the body will not suffer as much from sitting at a desk during school years.
4. Cerebral Development
Swimming increases lung capacity, it therefore promotes blood flow to the brain which improves not only physical condition and general health, but also the child's mental state. Swimming helps the brain to enrich itself with oxygen, to "restart" and to gain strength and in school, it helps a child cope with overload.
5. Anti-Stress
A stress-free life is impossible. To cope, you have to help your child: rest, breathing exercises, good nutrition, vitamins and fresh air. A child alone can't organise this. As a result, a parent must learn how to help a child cope with anxiety and stress before school and swimming can help.
6. Mental Health
In addition to fighting physical stress (sugar regulation, oxygenation, endorphin production), swimming also helps at a mental level. Self-esteem increases, even small positive results in training help boost self-confidence. Swimming distracts from negative thoughts and helps stabilise the inner state.
7. Pleasure
There are probably very few children in the world who do not enjoy playing in water; swimming classes bring a wave of positive emotions and childlike joy to children!
Author: Violetta Bagri is a state-certified swimming instructor working for private families and at Nautipolis where she teaches children to swim. She speaks Russian, French and English. www.coursdenatation.fr