Our Selection of Online Pre and Post Natal Classes

Our Selection of Online Pre and Post Natal Classes

We’ve searched high and low for the best pre and post-natal classes that you can do online.
By Gabrielle Labourier
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Pregnancy can be daunting for new and experienced mothers, and the added stress of giving birth in these current times doesn’t help, but we want to. We’ve searched high and low for the best pre and post-natal classes that you can do online so that you’re prepared for the big day and don’t miss out on important information. Below you'll find a selection of 5 online classes that new or expecting mums can do online until restrictions are lifted. We chose these courses based on accessibility, prices, memberships and style so hopefully there is something suitable for everyone. We've even found post-natal classes that mums can enjoy with their baby so keep reading to find one that works for you!

Pleine Lune is offering an online pre-natal course for expecting parents as well as a variety of podcasts, meditations, videos and many more resources. The course is run by an experienced maternity nurse in which she gives excellent tips on facilitating birth and which also comes with access to a Facebook group to ask and answer questions. https://centrepleinelune.com/cours-prenataux-en-ligne/


Marie Fortier is a former maternity nurse who is now retired and offering online pre and post-natal classes for expecting mums. Her course includes hours of videos on everything from pre-natal to post-natal up to a year after birth. https://mariefortier.com/cours-prenataux/


Mère et Monde are offering online prenatal classes until they can resume in-person classes. Unlike many current online courses, these aren’t pre-recorder videos with no interaction, they are private, one-on-one classes where you can ask questions and actually get answers! On top of their regular classes, they are also running online pre-natal workshops! https://www.mereetmonde.com/cours-prenataux-prives-en-ligne/


Skilleos is offering post-natal yoga classes for mums who want to get back in shape after pregnancy in a relaxing and healthy way. It even includes ways to do yoga with your baby, a great way for you to connect with them! Classes are open to people of all abilities and ages. https://www.skilleos.com/cours/apprendre-yoga-postnatal-en-ligne-jeunes-mamans


My Yoga Connect is running online post-natal yoga classes as well as meditation and breathing techniques for new mums. You’ll be able to choose among a variety of videos, some for mum only and some for mum and baby to practice together and connect. https://myyogaconnect.com/yoga/yoga-feminin/post-natal/


Pre-natal classes are great for all types of mums, and online classes mean that you can now enjoy them from the safety and comfort of your own home. Post-natal classes are a great way to get back in shape, connect with your baby in a new and original while, all while relaxing and focusing on yourself, so why wait to start!

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